Welcome to Dennis! I am so excited to be back at James L. Dennis this year. Prior to coming to Dennis I had the pleasure of serving at Windsor Hills Elementary. I was also an Assistant Principal at Hefner, Mayfield, and Deer Creek Middle Schools. All of my teaching was in the Putnam City district as well. I taught Spanish for seven years at Cooper Middle School and it sure was a lot of fun. But after a few years I was ready for a change and decided to go into administration.
I have been a Dennis parent since 2006. I live in the Edmond area but I have always chosen Dennis because I think it is the best! Both of my daughters have attended Dennis and they absolutely loved it. I want to make sure that every child that enters the doors at Dennis has the same opinion of Dennis that my daughters have.
We are in the memory making business in Elementary and we may not always remember what we learned in 3rd grade Science but we can still remember special events or assemblies from when we were growing up. So, we will make sure to make lots of special memories along the way. PTA is already hard at work planning Dolphin Splash and we are gearing up for our athletic opportunities and ball room dancing just to name a few.
We set some very high academic goals for ourselves last year and our teachers and students worked really hard to meet them. As the test scores start to come in the results are looking very impressive. I will keep you posted as they are finalized.
Finally, if I can ever be of assistance to you please don’t hesitate to call or email me. Every day is a great day to be a Dolphin!